WOW!! Humm. Well, as you started with numbers being at the core of your "discomfort", to be obvious, numbers, precise numbers are most likely at the problems solution, or at least its recognition and path forward.
There is raw production, house load, grid load. Those three do a dance always maintaining a balance except it grid out scenarios.
What you need is any specific month since system operation began, retrieving precisely the total raw production for the month, the exact KWH pulled or pushed from the grid (As a total function), and as a dessert the load numbers which should be a manipulation of the first two depending on push or pull, or a CT meter energy reporting tool with directional sensitivity.
If that is glazing your eyes over (Sorry), just tell me what you don't understand (If anything) and then we all (ASES people) can proceed....
william fitch
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2023 06:34 PM
Subject: Issues With My solar System Help
Greetings to community and members,
I am in search with help/similar experience with a residential system that was installed by Sunpower.
We got our system installed last September and since then we are being charged by the utility as well.Upon carefully checking, all data by Sunpower monitor and App for production and consumption just don't make sense and are not aligned with Edison our local energy utility company.
Numbers just don't add up.
We contacted Sunpower so many times about this issue and even refuse to pay for the finance company till system is working properly.Sunpower keeps sending a technician,from a third party ,who really can't resolve the issue.
I would like to proceed at higher ways.Looking to get help and ideas via this open channel.
Many Thanks:))