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Photovoltaic Money 

08-23-2023 04:07 PM

Energetic Transparency through Photovoltaic Money?

Chief Executive Officer at Sol-Era Inc.

We would like this opportunity to introduce a concept that could change this current world in a very profound way. Of late we have noticed a lot of people on this planet are reaching out to new technology that can help them solve, not only the climate crisis, but the many financial woes that plague the current monetary systems used by governments and corporations and the like. After years of experiments with alternative energy systems that produce electricity such as photovoltaic arrays on rooftops of houses and electric cars, one day in a eureka moment we imagined that our very money had the power to produce electricity. After brain storming a few days we began experimenting with a medium of exchange we coined, "Photovoltaic Money". Many countries are now exploring other forms as mediums of exchange from crypto-currencies to petrodollars, to outright fiat paper money with nothing more than human labor backing it up. Photovoltaic Money could become the ultimate alternative to all current forms of exchange. Photovoltaic Money once fully implemented could actually eliminate all current forms of banking upon this planet releasing another huge electrical load on the global grids in the process, yet transforming every city, and community on the planet that is currently mostly centered around combustion engines to becoming centered around a star.

We hope you will take the time to further explore this concept, by studying our paper  where we go further into the specifics of the photovoltaic money technology of the future.

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Uploaded - 08-23-2023

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